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Remarks from Jim Goetcheus

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Finally, I got it. Living is learning to love, forgive and serve others. Most of my life I thought it was, don’t get even – get ahead! At our reunion, it was amazing to me to hear how many testify of their spiritual belief.

Sharon Hannum Abbot spoke eloquently and received Amens and approvals from all I spoke with. We are certainly not the people we were when teenagers. I’m very proud of my classmates – their achievements, their endurance and their spiritual maturity now in evidence.

The fact that our class has continued with reunions is a testimony to some special people. Linda Davis Ayres, Jerry Hine, J. K. and Janice Daily, Jennifer Hamm Hanover and Sharon Hannum Abbot have organized, administered, communicated and decorated throughout the years. They’ve even maintained a bank account for us that has remained solvent through the years. That’s unique for most organizations in this country today! We owe many thanks to this superb leadership.

Moving into Martinsville in the second grade was a traumatic experience. Being bullied by so many different individuals through eighth grade made me mentally tough. Many more acts of kindness and consideration by many “Artesians” brought me to love Morgan County and Martinsville, which I always refer to as “going home.” Of my four children, my two girls both born in Martinsville while I was “overseas”, flew from Raleigh, North Carolina to see the grounds where my story began. Cyndi ended up being our reunion photographer and setting up a website for us Over time she will add some more candid shots to this site, other than the class pictures now posted.

I’m sending you lots of love. Thanks to all who showed up even though I did not recognize everyone and didn’t get to speak to all. To those who couldn’t make it, sorry, we missed you! God Bless each of you in the class of ’53 and to all your family and friends.

Jim Goetcheus